Big Sale Starts on PS Store
Good news for PlayStation console owners. The PS Store has launched a big sale called Critics' Choice.
Hottest Critics' Choice Sale
- The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is giving away at a discount of -80% of the total cost
- Assassin's Creed Valhalla is giving away at a discount of -30% of the total cost
- Watch Dogs Legion is giving away at a discount of -40% of the total price
- FIFA 21 Champions Edition is giving away at -72% off the total price
- Destiny 2: Beyond Light is giving away at -33% off the total cost
- Red Dead Redemption 2 is giving away at a discount of -50% of the total cost
- Immortal Fenyx Rising give away at a discount of -40% of the total cost
- Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order is giving away at a discount of -64% of the total cost
- DOOM Eternal Deluxe Edition is giving away at -65% off the total price
- God of War 2018 give away at a discount of -33% of the total cost
- RESIDENT EVIL 3 give away at a discount of -67% of the total cost
This is just a small part of the stock games. You can find even more great deals on the official sale page.
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