New League of Legends Champion Officially Unveiled
A new champion has been announced on the official Riot Games website, which can be tested after 10.16 update. The developers also presented the cinematic trailer "Family of the Stained Blade", which showed the story of the new hero.
Description of abilities:
- Hunter's Path (Passive) Yone uses two blades, and every second attack deals more magic damage. His critical strike chance is also doubled, but Yone deals less critical damage.
- Mortal Steel[Q] Yone lunges forward, dealing Physical damage to enemies. On hit, it gains a charge from the Gathering Storm. When two charges are stacked, Yone can dash, creating a wave that knocks up enemies.
- Spirit Slash[W] Yone swings out in a wide arc, damaging enemies based on their maximum health. If Yone hits the target, he gains a temporary shield. Shield strength is based on the number of Champions hit.
- Unleashed soul[E] Yone leaves her body in spirit form, increasing her movement speed. When the skill ends, Yone returns to her body and deals damage to the affected targets equal to a fraction of all damage dealt in spirit form.
- Decision of fate[R] Yone hits enemies in a straight line in front of him and then teleports behind the last enemy hit, knocking everyone in the way.
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