Apex Legends Developers Unveil New Legend - Meet Ciar
In Season 10 of Apex Legends Battle Royale, another addition to the Legends list awaits us. The new fighter in the arenas will be Ciar, which EA was told about in a fresh video.
Ciara's full name is Obi Edolashima. As a child, the boy was considered cursed, from which he became an outcast, but thanks to the support from the family, Ciara managed to find himself.
He became an artist, earning the title of legend along the way. All thanks to the abilities of Ciara.
In battle, the hero relies on microdrones. Thanks to them, he is able to sense the heartbeat of enemies within a radius of 75 meters, create blast waves and detect spheres.
Ciar will appear in the game with the release of Season 10, already on August 3. The new legend will be 18 playable characters.