Apex Legends reached Steam
In the summer of 2020, EA publishers announced the imminent appearance of most of their titles in the Valve store. One of them, of course, was the Apex Legends battle royale.
In fact, the game appeared on Steam back on November 3, when it could be pre-loaded. And already this morning, a full-fledged release took place on the site, and at the same time the launch of the largest season in terms of the number of innovations.
In the seventh season in Apex Legends, in addition to the new Horizon legend, there was a third map "Oasis", in-game clubs and the transport "Trident". Also, a special "champion" edition of the game has become available for purchase, which will include:
- All Apex Legends including Horizon;
- 3 exclusive skins for Rafe, Revenant and Krypto;
- 3 exclusive weapon skins;
- Exclusive weapon talisman;
- 1000 Apex Coins.
As a reminder, Apex Legends was released on February 9, 2019 on PC (Ogirin), Xbox One and PlayStation 4. A version for Nintendo Switch is currently in development.