Jury will determine the outcome of the conflict between Apple and Epic Games in July 2021
Epic Games demanded that Fortnite return to the App Store during the trial, but a judge offered a compromise to keep Epic Games and Apple neutral. The money earned from the game will be kept in a separate account, and after the end of the trial, it will be sent to the account of the winner of the meeting. Apple officials said it was necessary to contact the company's management for advice on such matters, but Epic Games said the judge should not "advise the monopolists."
Gonzales Rogers, who leads the case against Epic Games against Apple, said that the 30% commission in the gaming industry is a common practice. Epic Games' lawyers insisted that this can be considered the standard when it comes to consoles that are sold separately and the company is operating at a loss. In their opinion, the situation with the telephone market is radically different. The judge also noted that adding payment functionality bypassing the AppStore is dishonest to Apple and also contrary to the platform's rules.
Recall that on August 13, Fortnite on Apple devices introduced the function to make transactions bypassing the AppStore so that phone developers do not receive a 30% commission on transactions. Later, Apple decided to remove the game from the AppStore, and their protest was supported by Google, removing the game from Epic Games from its site.
After 2 weeks, Apple completely blocked the Epic Games account in its store, depriving them of support for the Unreal Engine. At the same time, they filed a counterclaim in court, according to which the Fortnite developers had to compensate Apple for the losses incurred as a result of the introduction of an alternative method of buying in-game currency.