The schedule of BLAST Pro Series Copenhagen emerged
Despite the fact that there are about two weeks till the start of BLAST Pro Series Copenhagen 2017, organizers have decided to publish the format and the schedule of the whole competition. Six teams will play by a Round Robin system, two best teams will go to the grand final, where the fate of $175,000 will be determined.
See also: Hooch was included in the new roster of EPG.
The schedule of the championship:
November 24, 2017
Round 1
- 20:00 - Astralis vs SK Gaming | bo1
- 20:00 - FaZe Clan vs NiP | bo1
- 20:00 - North vs G2 eSports | bo1
Round 2
- 21:10 - FaZe Clan vs North | bo1
- 21:10 - SK Gaming vs G2 eSports | bo1
- 21:10 - Astralis vs NiP | bo1
November 25, 2017
Round 3
- 15:00 - Astralis vs North | bo1
- 15:00 - NiP vs SK Gaming | bo1
- 15:00 - G2 eSports vs FaZe Clan | bo1
Round 4
- 16:10 - NiP vs North | bo1
- 16:10 - SK Gaming vs FaZe Clan | bo1
- 16:10 - Astralis vs G2 eSports | bo1
Round 5
- 17:20 - North vs SK Gaming | bo1
- 17:20 - Astralis vs FaZe Clan | bo1
- 17:20 - G2 eSports vs NiP | bo1
- 18:35 - BLAST Stand-off #1 | bo1
- 18:35 - BLAST Stand-off #2 | bo1
- 20:00 - Grand Final | bo3
The tournament will take place at Royal Arena in Copenhagen, Denmark on November 24-25. Six teams will fight for a prize pool in the sum of $250,000, all of them have been invited.
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