CS:GO got new patch
Valve added the last patch to the live-version. The major changes touched Five-Seven pistol. Apart from that, small bugs were fixed.
- Shipping more changes to pistols with the goal of emphasizing skillful use of the weapons.
- The Five-SeveN has been adjusted to reward tactical positioning and defensive play:
- Slightly improved accuracy when firing several shots rapidly.
- Substantially reduced accuracy while moving.
- Overhauled internal weapon data representation.
- Fixed an issue that caused players to not drop their 2nd flashbang if they are killed after throwing 1 flashbang during the round.
- Fixed an issue where sniper bots didn’t like the Scar20.
- Fixed an issue where buying non-weapon items would restock ammo for all your weapons.
- Fixed some corner cases where buying items via console could ignore the user’s loadout selection.
- Fixed an issue where attempting to drop undroppable items (like grenades) would count the item’s value towards the player’s “donations” for the round.
- Fixed a rare issue that could cause players to show incorrect holstered weapons.
- Fixed an issue where decoy grenades could make sounds from the wrong weapon.
- Fixed “buy” console command to list all options instead of being a hardcoded help string.
- Map editing: env_gunfire entities can now fire all weapon types (e.g. weapon_m4a1_silencer or weapon_revolver)
- Fixed a memory leak related to spectating.
- Adding ability to initiate trades from friend’s context menu.
- Improved map load times in some circumstances.
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