BTRG signed xccurate
Big Time Regal Gaming signed a contract with TYLOO player, Kevin 'xccurate' Susanto. He stayed in the Chinese organization for a year and a half.
Now the
Players look to the upcoming collaboration with xccurate with optimism. For example, the captain of the team Anthony 'ImpressioN' Lim told HLTV in an interview that Kevin Susanto has extensive experience that can help BTRG. He also shared the fact that he was glad to have the opportunity to finally play with the Indonesian and said that they had been on friendly terms for a long time.
Complete BTRG composition is as follows:
ZhiTao 'Drea3er' Zhang Kristjan 'fejtZ' Allsaar Anthony 'ImpressioN' Lim Ying Jun Adrian 'adrnkiNg' Setiawan Kevin 'xccurate' Susanto Yan 'star' Zhang - coach
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