CS: GO released a new patch
List of changes:
- Now, if a player made a kill through smoke or, being blinded, or without a sight from a sniper rifle, then all this will be displayed in the kill log.
- If the spawn immunity time is set to a negative value, then emerging players will not have immunity even during the warmup period.
- In the Wingman arenas, the players immunity (temporary immortality) was completely disabled. In addition, now after each collision, the card is cleared of blood.
- The error with displaying the sight behind the observed player in the editor menu has been fixed.
- A few text errors in the scope import window, found in some languages, have been fixed.
- Sight codes stored with incorrect values have been corrected.
- The G3SG1 model for a third-person view has received an update.
- Now the position of AUG in the hands of terrorists in the procurement time is changed.
- The Steam Store has the opportunity to purchase coupons.
- In the game blog in Greek, the correspondence of the interface and the game blog itself is fixed.
- Introducing the Inferno map for the Wingman duel arena mode.
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