Important changes in patch 2.02
First of all, the changes affected the accuracy of firing from machine guns on the run (Bulldog, Guardian, Phantom and Vandal):
- Accuracy of firing assault rifles while running increased from 3.75 to 5.0.
- Accuracy of firing assault rifles while walking increased from 0.8 to 1.1.
- Accuracy of firing assault rifles while crouching has been increased from 0.3 to 0.8.
The update did not go through the rating system:
- Ranked play is matched to Mastery: Players will progress to rank faster based on Mastery Rating (MMR). Fewer matches will now be required to reach a suitable rank.
- Players from "Iron" to "Diamond", whose personal success in the match is significantly higher than their average skill level, will receive additional Ranked Play rating points.
- Now the maximum group size for rank "Diamond 3" is 2 players.
- Your current leaderboard position will now be displayed on the Career page under the "Act Rank" section. At the end of the act, the final place on the leaderboard will be saved. It will appear on the Act Rank Emblem.
Game modes update:
- A limit on the frequency of purchases has been added to the in-game weapon store. Many purchases in a short time could cause performance problems.
A number of bug fixes:
- Fixed a bug due to which players could silently install Spike.
- Fixed issues that resulted in players being unable to move after exiting Sova Owl Drone Mode or Cypher Camera Mode.
- Fixed a bug due to which, when picking up weapons lying on top of each other, the character tried to pick up all the weapons.
- Fixed a bug due to which the wrong rank icon "Immortal" was displayed in some places.
- Reduced the brightness of the visual effects at the onset of flash blinding.
- Fixed a bug due to which, when choosing a place for teleportation while using the "Hidden Step" Omen skill, the selection point got stuck in the corners at too great a distance.
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