Embracing Solar Might: Illari, Overwatch 2's Latest Support Hero Set to Shine
Overwatch 2's roster is expanding yet again, introducing Illari, the radiant hero who wields the power of the sun. Unlike the DPS-focused Sojourn, Illari assumes the role of a support character, adding a unique solar twist to the realm of healing and damage.
With the arrival of Season 6 on Thursday, Overwatch 2 unveils Illari as its latest addition. A Peruvian healer, Illari possesses the potential for potent damage output, akin to support heroes such as Zenyatta and Kiriko. Rather than limiting herself to traditional healing akin to Mercy, Illari aptly fits the evolving definition of a support character in Overwatch 2, which often necessitates a balance between healing and DPS capabilities.
While Illari's abilities might appear a tad cryptic based on the recently released trailer, a discerning eye can surmise that her gameplay will be aligned with the archetype of damage-and-healing support heroes. Expect a primary offensive attack alongside one or two methods to heal her allies. The insights gleaned from the trailer suggest Illari's abilities are as follows:
- Primary fire that emits a beam of solar energy for damage
- Leap ability to reach elevated positions
- Healing drone that adheres to walls
- Ultimate maneuver propelling her skyward, enabling her to launch an explosive energy ball
The healing drone might well serve as the cornerstone of Illari's support toolkit, yet it's plausible she has an additional ability not unveiled in the trailer—perhaps a secondary fire mode akin to Baptiste and Ana's weaponry.
In addition to Illari's debut, Overwatch 2's Season 6, named "Invasion", brings with it a themed battle pass centered around the malevolent Null Sector robots, recognizable from previous PvE missions. The trailer showcases an array of skins, including a customizable Mythic skin for Ana, the beloved senior healer. This time around, Ana transforms into a robotic sniper support, characterized by a white faceplate devoid of eyes. While some might favor this evil iteration, my preference lies with Cabana Ana. Regardless, the choices abound.
"Invasion" encompasses an array of new modes and maps, including:
- Three co-op PvE story missions available for $15
- Co-op PvE event mission set within King's Row
- Flashpoint, a multi-capture point mode
- Fresh maps—Junk City and Suravasa—for Flashpoint
- Singleplayer hero mastery missions designed to hone skills with specific heroes (slated for next month)

Furthermore, in alignment with Overwatch 2's anniversary, the annual Anniversary event will coincide with the sequel's launch last October. Previous Anniversary events have reintroduced limited-time Arcade modes from earlier occasions, so there's hope for another shot at playing Battle for Olympus.
In anticipation of the new season, Game Director Aaron Keller shared a glimpse of the forthcoming balance changes. Notably, armor damage reduction will now cap at 50%, rendering robust tanks more manageable in close combat situations. Season 4's support hero, Lifeweaver, will gain "increased survivability," with his healing tree ultimate providing up to 100 additional health points for allies already at full health.
Mark your calendars: Overwatch 2 Season 6 commences this Thursday, coinciding with its launch on the Steam platform. As Illari steps into the spotlight, Overwatch 2's diverse universe continues to expand, offering fresh dynamics and strategic possibilities to both veterans and newcomers alike.