McCree is dead, may Cole Cassidy be healthy!
In 2021, Blizzard faced allegations related to a toxic environment within the company. Blizzard management has begun to actively work on the problems that have fallen, and part of the measures to eliminate the unhealthy work atmosphere was the renaming of the studio characters.
One of the key changes was the "rebranding" of Jesse McCree, an Overwatch hero named after a former employee of the company who was convicted of inappropriate behavior. Jesse McCree will transform into Cole Cassidy and in honor of this Blizzard presented the story of a "new" character.
The first thing that the renegade loses is his name, and this hero gave up his name a long time ago. To run away from the past was to run away from oneself. With each passing year, his past moved away from his present. But in the life of every cowboy there comes a moment when you need to stop and start fighting.
For making Overwatch better - for making everything better. He had to be honest with his team and with himself.
The cowboy of the past went into the sunset - Cole Cassidy met the sunrise
The character name change is intended to cool off players and community members who have boycotted Overwatch. Along with the appearance of Cole Cassidy, Blizzard plans to change one of the story arcs, where McCree was once at the forefront.
In addition, Blizzard will give players the ability to change BattleTag for free. We talked about this in a separate article.