Valve released patch 7.06d for Dota 2
List of changes:
- Echo Sabre: Slow duration increased from 0.6 to 0.7.
- Helm of the Dominator: Minimum HP increased from 1400 to 1500.
- Necronomicon: Duration increased from 45 to 50.
- Alchemist: Chemical Rage movement speed increased from 30/40/60 to 40/50/60; Level 15 Talent increased Unstable Concoction's Damage from +80 to +100.
- Bounty Hunter: Movement speed increased from 315 to 320.
- Bristleback: Strength gain reduced from 2.5 to 2.2; Warpath damage bonus from 20/25/30 to 18/24/30.
- Chaos Knight: Base strength increased from 20 to 22.
- Chen: Hand of God heal increased from 200/300/400 to 225/325/425.
- Clockwerk: Hookshot damage reduced from 100/200/300 to 75/175/275.
- Crystal Maiden: Frostbite manacost increased from 115/125/140/150 to 140/145/150/155.
- Dark Seer: Base intelligence reduced by 2; Wall of Replica slow reduced from 0.6/0.8/1.0 to 0.5/0.75/1.0.
- Doom: Doom duration increased from 15 to 16 seconds.
- Gyrocopter: Movement speed increased from 320 to 325.
- Invoker: Alacrity cooldown increased from 15 to 17.
- Io: Tether movement speed reduced from 13/14/15/16% to 10/12/14/16%.
- Leshrac: Level 10 Talent increased from +15 Movement Speed to +25; Level 10 Talent increased from +125 Health to +175.
- Lich: Chain Frost bounce range increased from 575 to 600.
- Medusa: Mystic Snake Aghanim's Scepter stun increase per bounce from +0.2 to +0.3.
- Mirana: Agility gain increased from 3.3 to 3.6.
- Monkey King: Level 10 Talent increased from +10% Evasion to +12%; Boundless Strike critical damage increased from 1.4/1.6/1.8/2x to 1.5/1.75/2/2.25x; Primal Spring max damage increased from 100/180/260/340 to 140/210/280/350.
- Morphling: Base Attack Time improved from 1.6 to 1.55.
See also: The Manchester Showdown was announced
- Nature's Prophet: Treant damage increased from 32 to 36.
- Necrophos: Reaper's Scythe cooldown reduced from 100/85/70 to 90/80/70; Level 10 Talent increased from +6 Strength to +8.
- Night Stalker: Hunter in the Night manacost increased from 50 to 80; Void day slow duration reduced from 2 to 1.25 seconds.
- Phantom Lancer: Base HP regen increased from 0.5 to 1.5.
- Pugna: Attack range increased from 600 to 630.
- Shadow Demon: Base strength increased from 17 to 19.
- Skywrath Mage: Concussive Shot damage increased from 60/120/180/240 to 70/140/210/280.
- Tiny: Level 10 Talent increased from +6 Strength to +8; Level 10 Talent increased from +12 Intelligence to +14; Craggy Exterior damage increased from 40/50/60/70 to 60/80/100/120.
- Treant Protector: Base movement speed reduced from 280 to 270.
- Underlord: Firestorm maximum health damage increased from 0.8/1.6/2.4/3.2% to 1/2/3/4%.
- Undying: Base armor increased by 1.
- Viper: Viper Strike cooldown reduced from 60/45/30 to 50/40/30.
- Visage: Summon Familiars cooldown reduced from 160/145/130 to 130.
- Windranger: Windrun slow increased from 8/16/24/30% to 15/20/25/30%.
- Winter Wyvern: Arctic Burn health damage increased from 8% to 9%.
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