Valve weakened Marci in the latest patch
On the night of October 29-30, Valve released a patch in Dota 2, which introduced significant and not very significant changes in the abilities of some heroes. Tinker and Elder Titan got some minor changes, while Marci was cut in several abilities and talents.
List of changes
- in the English version of Dota 2, the hint about the maximum jump length of Marci has been updated
- the lifetime of autographs has been extended until December 1.
- Marci no longer has base mana regen
- Dispose: damage reduced from 70/140/210/280 to 70/130/190/250;
- Unleash: duration reduced from 18 to 16 seconds;
- Unleash: damage from ripple reduced from 80/150/220 to 60/130/200;
- Rebound: cast and jump range decreased from 850 to 800;
- in the level 15 talent, the bonus to the range of the Rebound jump has been reduced from 250 to 200;
- in the level 20 talent, the duration of the magic immunity from Sidekick has been reduced from 1.75 seconds to 1.5 seconds.
- Heat-Seeking Missile: The cast cost has been corrected from 95/105/110/125 to 95/105/115/125 as indicated in patch 7.30e.
Elder titan
- Natural Order base armor and base magic resistance reduction rescaled from 41/59/73/89% to 40/60/80/100%.
Previously, Valve added a new hero to Dota 2 along with the 7.30e patch. Now Marci from Valve's anime adaptation of the MOBA has been ported to the game client. You can read more about the hero, abilities and features in our material.
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