Syman Gaming updated CS: GO-roster
Recently, Ilya 'Perfecto' Zalutsky moved from Syman to NAVI, and Ramazan 'Ramz1k' Bashizov freed up another seat, reseeding to the bench. Vacancies were taken by the comers Rustem 'mou' Telepov and Rasmus 'kreaz' Johansson. Information about this appeared in the official Syman VKontakte group.
The executive director of the esports club Alibi Shormanov drew attention to the fact that the assembled roster is not the final version of the composition of Syman who plan to play in the future. If the team plays well in minor, the leadership will not change it in the future. The team will communicate in English.
Earlier, mou, together with Dosia, moved to China in order to join OneThree.TGS. On January 28, an esportsman said that due to an outbreak of coronavirus, he, along with Mikhail Stolyarov, was forced to relieve himself of his duties as a player in a Chinese club and completed cooperation with the organization.
The composition of Syman Gaming:
Sanjar 'neaLaN' Ishkakov David 'n0rb3r7' Danielyan Nicholas 'Keoz' Dgus Rasmus 'kreaz' Johansson (trial) Rustem 'mou' Telepov (trial)
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