kioShiMa joins G2 Esports
Information came from G2 representatives on the e-sports club's social networks. Earlier, insider Guillaume 'neL' Canelo reported the probability of this event. G2 Esports will compete with kioShiMa in two championships: GG.Bet Beijing Invitational and ESL One New York 2019.
The press release did not say why the roster was replaced. A rumor has recently surfaced that Vitality will buy shox for $ 350,000- $ 450,000. According to the previously mentioned neL, Vitality thought about signing kioShiMa due to the high cost of Richard 'shox' Papillon, but subsequently G2 went to meet and reduced the initial requested amount. If the information received from Guillaume 'neL' Canelo also turns out to be true, then kioShiMa and Lucky will leave the roster after G2 signs huNter and nexa, two CR4ZY players.
G2 Esports will perform at the GG.Bet Beijing Invitational and ESL One New York 2019 with the following roster:
Francois 'AmaNEk' DelaunayKenny 'kennyS' SchrubAudric 'JACKZ' JugFabien 'kioShiMa' Fie (standin)Lucas 'Lucky' Chastang
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