Faceit and Twitch have announced CS:GO league with $3,500,000 prize
Just after several days of finishing MLG Columbus, American Major with $1,000,000 pool, Faceit in cooperation with TwitchTV announce their own league with $ 3,500,000 pool.Prizes in CS:GO tournaments continue to raise rapidly.
Michele Attisani, Faceit co-founder states:
Players and teams are the heart of the esports community and deserve the opportunity to reap the rewards of their hard work and dedication to grow esports into a mainstream phenomenon.
New esports League has a name of Esports Championship Series and will consist of two divisions: North American and European. Each of them has 8 teams. 4 teams are invited directly, and other teams are selected during regional qualifiers, hold on April, 6-8. The main stage of qualifiers is to be held on April, 9.
European teams who participate into quarterfinal are already known. These are teams ACG, SK Gaming, Gambit and HellRaisers. Semifinal participants are mousesports and G2. In North American qualifiers the following teams participate: Obey.Alliance, Winterfox, Echo Fox, Splyce, KKona, and Selfless.
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