Not a substitute, but a main one - MIBR signed exit as the sixth player in the starting roster
The Brazilian club decided to expand their CS: GO roster to six people by signing Rafael 'exit' Lacerdo. The information appeared on the Twitter account of MIBR. Earlier, we reported that the organization intends to conclude a contract with an already ex-Sharks Esports representative, but did not assume that MIBR would decide to expand the CS: GO roster.
Exit took part in the life of the CS: GO roster of Sharks Esports for three and a half years. During this time, the cybersportsman did not manage to win any tournament, but the player was able to earn more than $ 28,000 in prize money during this period.
The debut of the updated MIBR roster will take place within the BLAST Premier Spring Showdown 2021. There, the team will compete with 15 other participants for two invites to BLAST Premier Spring 2021 and will participate in the division of the total prize pool of $ 162,500.
- Gustavo 'yeL' Knittel
- Ricardo 'boltz' Prass
- Marcelo 'chelo' Cespedes
- Bruno 'shz' Martinelli
- Daniel 'danoco' Morgado
- Raphael 'exit' Lacerda
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