MAD Lions announced a partnership with Kuben
The announcement of the signing of a contract with the legendary Polish coach took place on the Twitter account of MAD Lions. The management announced that the ex-mentor of and Team Envy will now work with their team and help form a new international roster.
The last place of work for Kuben was the e-sports organization Team Envy, where he spent time from August last year to January 2021. Before joining Team Envy, Jakub Gurchinski had been playing players for almost 5 years.
MAD Lions recently talked about the disbandment of most of the Danish CS: GO roster. The only remaining player is Thomas 'TMB' Bundsbek, while roeJ and HooXi, although they have valid contracts with the organization, are listed in it as inactive members of the roster.
MAD Lions Roster
- Thomas 'TMB' Bundsback
- Jakub 'kuben' Gurchinsky (trainer)
- Fredrik 'roeJ' Jorgensen (inactive)
- Rasmus 'HooXi' Nielsen (inactive)
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