EGW-NewsCounter-Strike 2A must-have for NAVI fans - a teaser for a documentary about an e-sports club has appeared
A must-have for NAVI fans - a teaser for a documentary about an e-sports club has appeared
A documentary film "NAVI. Born to Win" will be released about Natus Vincere. It will be dedicated to the CS: GO roster and the team's victory at last year's Intel Extreme Masters Katowice.
All the members of the team took part in the filming of the film, together with the coach of the team Andrey 'B1ad3' Gorodensky and the manager Evgeny Erofeev. Leila Nedorosleva acted as the director of the film.
The authors of the film argue that a lot of moments that take place in the inner world of the esports industry are hidden from prying eyes. This picture will slightly open the veil of secrecy to the audience. The film will show how esportsmen "overcome their weaknesses and problems on the way to the common goal of the team."
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