Cloud9 can sign the sixth player
According to Guillaume Canelo, ex-Chaos Esports Club player Eric 'Xeppaa' Bach will become the sixth player. The rumor can be real for two reasons. First, neL, just like DeKay, has secured the title of an insider who can be trusted due to the large number of correct predictions. Secondly, CS: GO general manager Henry 'HenryG' Greer announced the likelihood of a sixth player in the Cloud9 squad.
At the moment, neL has not told about who exactly can be replaced by Xeppaa if he joins the team.
Yesterday, information was received about the likelihood of signing a new mentor by the esports club in the person of Chris 'Elmapuddy' Tebbit. At the end of last year, kassad resigned from this position, having failed to agree on the game with team captain Alex 'ALEX' McMeekin.
Now the Cloud9 CS: GO roster looks like this:
- Ricky 'floppy' Kemeri
- Alex 'ALEX' McMeekin
- William 'mezii' Merriman
- Ozgur 'woxic' Ecker
- Patrick 'es3tag' Hansen
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