Cloud9 transferred Floppy to a new CS: GO roster
After Cloud9 decided to sell their CS: GO roster that once represented ATK's colors, management found Ricky 'floppy' Camery especially valuable and wanted to move the player to a new roster as well. The cybersport club published this information on social networks.
According to journalist and insider Jarek "DeKay" Lewis, floppy wanted to continue playing with his former teammates, but later changed his mind. DeKay also says that C9s are still looking for buyers for their old roster.
According to available information, floppy has signed a three-year contract with the club and will receive $ 432,000 over the period of cooperation with them. The cybersportsman will join such players. like mezii, woxic and ALEX. It is not yet known who will become the fifth player, but there is information that ex-coach of 100 Thieves, Alexander 'kassad' Trifunovich will become the mentor in the team.
Cloud9 roster:
- Ozgur 'woxic' Ecker
- William 'mezii' Merriman
- Alex 'ALEX' McMeekin
- Ricky 'floppy' Camery
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