A secret agreement of Heroic with players about non-disclosure appeared on the network
Dexerto has published documents confirming the existence of a non-disclosure agreement created by Heroic to keep its players silent about allegations of cheating or exploiting the infamous "coaching bug" for fifteen years.
In addition to these documents, part of a conversation is attached in which Eric Asquered, the head of Heroic, indirectly forced HUNDEN to take a hit and not talk about the involvement of players in the use of the bug.
These documents corroborate some of the claims made by HUNDEN in late August, which went public with claims against its former employer and colleagues, saying that some players knew he was using a "coaching bug" to gain an advantage over opponents and that the organization was trying to hide this fact....
After the bug was discovered by the community, HUNDEN publicly repented and began cooperating with ESIC's investigation. At the time, he stated that he was acting alone and that the players were not aware of what he did. However, at the end of August, the former Heroic coach released evidence incriminating TeSeS and niko.
The non-disclosure agreement was concluded retroactively on August 31, 2020, the day after HUNDEN was banned for 12 months.
Specific language was added to the agreement that prevented players and HUNDEN, who remained with the organization, from considering any fraudulent charges on pain of a fine of up to $ 500,000. The detailed content of the document can be found in the original source.
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