NAVI signed Joe
Natus Vincere revealed on their website that they were able to buy out one of the UK's strongest Rainbow Six Siege players. Joe 'Joe' Krauser is ranked # 3 on the list of best R6 players. The contract for the new member of the NAVI team was with the previous club in which he was a member, Fierce Esports.
According to Yaroslav Klochko, the team manager, Joe caught the attention of the organization's management even before they thought about carrying out a replacement in their roster. He also noted that stability is one of the strongest traits of the British esportsman, which is so necessary for "Born to Win". Before redeeming the player's contract, the team played with Joe for two weeks and made sure that this transfer would be appropriate.
On the Rainbow Six roster, the newcomer will replace Quadzy, who was on the team as a substitute. Thus, NAVI solved the problem of the lack of a permanent player.
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