Looking for a Challenge? Try Heroic Chess!
At first glance, it is blatantly unfair for multiple reasons. For starters, your opponent, the “Black King”, has a Hero Power simply labeled “Cheat”, which destroys your left most piece. In the regular mode it isn’t that bad, but in Heroic, your deck is thinned to 15 cards, making every piece count. Your opponent, on the other hand, has a full deck.
Many players look at this mechanic as a method of making the Heroic mode more difficult and scorn it as such, but overlook a surprisingly in-depth feature. Counting your own Hero, the “White King”, 16 is the exact amount of pieces players regularly have in an ordinary game of chess. 8 pawns, 2 rooks, 2 bishops, 2 knights, 1 queen and the king.
I think we would all, as a community, love to see this as a competitive Tavern Brawl. Heroic of Regular, the chess match pitting players against players would be an incredibly fun twist on the game’s classic mechanics as well as a fun mode to enjoy and compete in with friends.