Hearthstone "Choose your Champion", 'Weird Al', and more Blizzcon news!
Blizzcon is just a few days away now, and we have some exciting news to be talking about! For starters, over 3 million players have already voted in the “Chose your Champion!” promotion announced just a few days ago, in which players can log in through the official Battle.net website and choose who they think will take the World Championships! I, personally, voted for the boy wonder himself, Amnesiac, but that’s just me.
Just voting will earn you a card pack in Hearthstone, but the rewards only increase based on how they perform on November 4th and 5th this weekend! While we have no confirmed rewards to be announced, there is no doubt that they could include more card packs, gold, dust, and possibly rare cards! Cast your vote for the “Chose your Champion!” promotion here:
With that comes more exciting news – ‘Weird Al’ Yankovic will be performing in the closing concert the night of November 5th! After an exciting weekend of developer panels and eSports tournaments, he is sure to be able to end this year’s Blizzcon with a bang! Be sure to purchase your Blizzcon Virtual Ticket here if you haven’t already, as time is running out fast! The Virtual Ticket gets you all the goodies in various Battle.net games that attendees get, as well as a fast, high quality streaming service to watch anything and everything Blizzcon this weekend, so don’t miss out! The Virtual Ticket can be purchased here:
Be sure to stay tuned to EGamersWorld for Blizzcon live coverage, articles on new and exciting Battle.net appearances, and of course, matches in both Hearthstone and Heroes of the Storm!