IG and IG.Vitality will not change the rosters
The organization believes that the current teams still have something to show.
The representatives of esports organization Invictus Gaming announced that they won’t change their Dota 2 roster. Both teams keep all players from the previous season. This information was released on the official Facebook page of the organization.
Among the best achievements of the rosters in this year, we should mention the winning on WCA 2016 and passing the qualification to The Boston Major. However, the team did not manage to go to the tournament in a full roster and demonstrate the game everyone expected. Their result there is 9-16 place.
Invictus Gaming roster:
Lin «Xxs» JingYe «BoBoKa» ZhibiaoZhi Lei «BurNIng» XuOu «Op» PengFu «Q» Bin
IG.Vitality roster:
Gao «Dogf1ghts» TianpengZhang «Yuno» ChengjunXu «Sakata» ZichenSu «super» PengYang «InJuly» Xiaodong