J.Storm changes in Dota roster
Now Clinton 'Fear' Loomis, who played in fourth position, will take the place of support in the team. The new four will be Joel Mori 'MoOz' Ozambela.
Previously, Sivatheeban '1437' Sivanathapillai announced that he was getting married and therefore had to take a break from his playing career. He will be engaged in streaming activities and will be ready to return to the game a little later and only in the Philippine region.
The newcomer to the team is mostly known for his performances under the Gorillaz-Pride tag. He also represented Infamous and beastcoast, and in two years, a Peruvian career earned only $3,200.
Now the composition of J.Storm is as follows:
Roman 'Resolut1on' Fominok Leon 'Nine' Kirilin David 'Moo' Hull Joel Mori 'MoOz' Ozambela Clinton 'Fear' Loomis
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