Dota 2 Updates, December 15
In the updates from December 15, the developers concentrated on game interface and autumn compendium.
List of changes:
- Attack Speed / Magic Resistance details are displayed along with Damage / Armor / Speed now.
- K/D/A and LH/D are now displayed to the top-left of the screen.
- Combat event log is now displayed lower so that the log did not interfere the panel of statistics in the spectator mode.
- The delay time of the Combat Event log is set to 0 so that the information loaded faster.
- On the right hand panel, the Shop button now comes first followed by the Courier options.
- Custom HUD's are now displayed correctly.
- Bug with HUD displayed incorrectly with screens with resolutions 4х3 and 5х4 was fixed.
- The icon of hero who killed you is now displayed to the left.
- The dimming of Aura Buffs with pressed ALT has been removed.
- Fixed bug when the average MMR was displayed incorrectly.
Spectator mode:
- Mana bars are now visible without pressing ALT button.
- Team names, logos, match counter are now displayed in the panel of spectator during the tournament matches.
Fall 2016 Battle Pass
- The rewards for the Boston Major and Fantasy Challenge Prediction Results were given out. The points you earned are available in Battle Pass log.
- The results for Battle Pass predictions were updated. The rewards are given out.
- Search word "nerubian" for Nyx Assassin was deleted. Now the search word "na" is available.
- Fixed tooltip mistake with the Jingu Mastery effect.
- Fixed tooltip for talent giving +12 instead of +14.
- Fixed tootip for Nyx Assassin’s talent with 200% Spiked Carapace Damage on +200% Spiked CarapaceDamage.
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