Illias became a VP.Prodigy player
The fifth player slot was recently vacated as Albert 'eine' Garayev joined Gambit Esports last month. Now the place was taken by Ilyas, as it became known on the team's website.
From November last year to September 2020, Illias was part of the NAVI team. Natus Vincere later announced the transfer of all players in the starting roster to the bench, after which they entered into an agreement with FlyToMoon players.
Yesterday VP.Prodigy joined their ranks by signing Danil 'gpK ~' Skutin. Previously, gpK ~ played in the team as a temporary player. He played at OGA Dota PIT Season 3 and, together with VP.Prodigy, was able to take second place.
The players see the great potential in Ilyas Ganeev so strongly that they decided to pay half the cost that NAVI put forward for him.
Ilyas 'Illias' Ganeev comments:
“I have known the guys for a long time, played with them in public, followed the games at tournaments, so I want to say that, first of all, I join the team of professionals. Each of them has an excellent understanding of Dota and their role in the game. Moreover, I am on excellent terms with the players. Cheer for us and we will definitely show what we are capable of ”.
VP.Prodigy roster:
- Egor epileptick1d Grigorenko
- Danil gpK ~ Skutin
- Dmitry DM Dorokhin
- Vitaly Save- Melnik (captain)
- Ilyas illias Ganeev
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