Team Liquid replaced Nitr0
Nick "Nitr0" Cannell left the Team Liquid organization. Nitr0 has played for Luquid the longest - he joined the club in January 2015.
The information was
In a statement regarding Nitr0's departure, Arhanset declined to comment or give a reason for the decision. He promised to do so soon. According to the same publication DBLTAP, the reason for Nitr0's departure was the unsatisfactory level of play and the desire of his teammates to replace the player. The temporary composition of Team Liquid looks like this:
- Jonathan "EliGE" Jablonovski
- Russell "Twistzz" Van Dalken
- Jake "Stewie2k" Yip
- Keith "NAF" Markovich
- Michael "Grim" Vince
The former player will be replaced by Michael "Grim" Vince. Previously, Grim played for the Triumph team.